Thursday, February 14, 2019

Middle School Science- ScienceEXPO 2019

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone for a job well done at ScienceEXPO 2019!

     Students in grades 6, 7, and 8, presented their finished ScienceEXPO experiments on Parent Visitation day last week! These projects began last October with ideas of problems to be explored and hypotheses to be formulated. For the 8th grade students, this was their third ScienceEXPO and most were very knowledgeable of the processes and procedures that allowed them to arrive in February with a well-executed project. Like the students in grades 6 and 7, the 8th graders submitted specific sections of their projects in small increments for review and revision. They followed the HCA ScienceEXPO website guidelines and turned their assigned sections in via Google Classroom for review. Examples of previous boards were presented and reviewed for strengths and weaknesses.


     After much work reviewing existing literature on their subject, outlining needed experimental materials (all in metric), and streamlining their procedures, they identified their variables and began their experimentation. All students ran multiple trials and collected data which were analyzed and put into Google Sheets to make tables and graphs. Then came time to make their presentation boards for display at school, culminating on Parent Visitation day. One constant they were provided with for making their board was, "How do you want to feel when you are in front of your board that day?"


I think they felt FANTASTIC!

The Show Must Go On...even if for just one night!

     The HCA community was, unfortunately, impacted by the evolving presence of the coronavirus when the decision was made to limit the perf...