Thursday, September 27, 2018

Middle School Science September 2018 - College Settlement

The new year has gotten off to a great start! The highlight has been our annual trip to The Outdoor School at College Settlement (OSCS). The trip was early this year but it didn't take anyone by surprise. The 5th grade learned many new environmental terms and quickly put them to use in the field. Our 6th graders were excited to return and show their Middle School classmates the ropes in Horsham!

The weather forecast wasn't the best, and we needed to go inside for a bit, but our students made the best of it. We weren't the least bit deterred by a few (heavy) rain showers during the team building activities that afternoon.

"We powered through the rain even when it was pouring and used teamwork when we did the challenges that no one could do by themselves." - Sophia

Each activity was led by an expert teacher naturalist (TN) and the mixed-grade groups of students learned to work together to achieve fun yet challenging group goals. Each activity was followed up with a debrief by the TN to emphasize what the groups did well and how they could improve. The challenges were thoroughly enjoyed by all...

"We got to go outside all the time and they teach you in a way that makes it fun!" - Grant


"The 10-foot wall was about gaining trust in people and helping out. I also learned the different types of trees and vegetables...I think it is a PHENOMENAL experience for kids! :)" - Alexis

The 5th and 6th grade boys outside their cabin

"The night hike was fun even though we could sometimes use a flashlight...and the campfire was fun because we sang songs and people did skits." - Ayinde

Exploring the organic crops at neighboring Pennypack Farm with a special visitor, Dr. Kellich.

"I enjoyed eating fresh veggies and knowing what went into growing them." - Rachel

The TN's led small groups in lessons about natural succession, tree identification, organic agriculture, and the rock wall. Students could also select areas of particular interest to them during Option Time such as archaeology, feeding farm animals, practicing campfire skits, or fishing (a solid 2-lb. bass caught by Molly!).

"I liked the night hike because it made us see the outdoors in a different way." - Charlotte

Students learned how much energy is put into the production, transportation, and preparation of the food we eat at every meal. We were challenged to only take what we could eat at each of our meals. Uneaten food on our plates was collected and weighed. The total weight was then displayed by the Wastemasters. We did a great job with not wasting food and had ZERO waste at breakfast on Thursday...Great job, everyone!!!

We planted a tree in honor of our visit and named it Ella, after Karl's grandmother who recently passed away. Each student added a handful of soil to the hole where the yellow birch was planted. We then sang Happy Birthday to the tree!

We ate our final lunch there and when our parent drivers arrived, to whom we are most appreciative,
we then departed for home, tired but grateful for another wonderful experience at OSCS...see you again next year!

"It was one of the most fun trips I have ever been on...I can't wait to go back next year!" - Molly

The Show Must Go On...even if for just one night!

     The HCA community was, unfortunately, impacted by the evolving presence of the coronavirus when the decision was made to limit the perf...