Thursday, November 14, 2019

6th grade collaborates on two science projects!

     The Sixth Grade is known for working well together and that was on display in full force this week in science!

     On Monday, they excavated their second set of compostable and plastic utensils 30 days after the first set and 60 days after initially burying them in the HCA Organic Garden. They visually inspected the utensils for any noticeable changes to their shape or coloration. The utensils were then taken to the lab where they were rinsed off and weighed. The students recorded the data and compared it to the baseline measurements and the first data set. After gathering all the data, the results were..........

no change!


Indoors, they began an investigation of the open systems of the Earth's Four Spheres:
The Geosphere, the Hydrosphere, the Atmosphere, and the Biosphere.

They worked together to develop a project they could share with visitors to the Middle School floor about the interactions between the Four Spheres. They worked diligently and with open minds to float and agree upon ideas to share this information with HCA.

 Look for their final creation in a future edition of this blog!

The Show Must Go On...even if for just one night!

     The HCA community was, unfortunately, impacted by the evolving presence of the coronavirus when the decision was made to limit the perf...